Monthly Webinars

Economy Today!
Economy Today!

In this webinar discusses current global economic trends, market shifts, and the impact of government policies on businesses and consumers. Mr. Shabih Ali Mohib...

2024-10-28 16:00:00 (UK Time)
Speaker: Mr. Shabih Ali Mohib (Manager for Economics, South Asia Region)
Topic: Economy Today!
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Karbala For All  Humanity
Karbala For All Humanity

Mufti Fazal Hamdard, the renowned Sunni scholar, discussed the topic 'Karbala: For All of Humanity' and shared his insightful thoughts on the matter

2024-07-27 18:30:00 (UK Time)
Speaker: Mufti Fazal Hamdard
Topic: Karbala For All Humanity
The Benefits of Globally United Communities
The Benefits of Globally United Communities

This webinar discusses the benefits of globally united communities, highlighting how international collaboration fosters peace, innovation, and solutions to glo...

2024-06-22 16:00:00 (UK Time)
Speaker: Shyrose Jaffer Dhalla
Topic: The Benefits of Globally United Communities
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Role of Media & Challenge of Coping with Fake News
Role of Media & Challenge of Coping with Fake News

In this session, Professor Mateen Haider discusses the role of media in shaping public opinion and the challenge of combating fake news in today’s world.

2024-05-26 16:00:00 (UK Time)
Speaker: Professor Mateen Haider (Senior Journalist, Anchor, and Political Analyst)
Topic: Role of Media & Challenge of Coping with Fake News
Medical Advancrment in 21st
Medical Advancrment in 21st

In this session, Dr. Syed Qasim Jaffri will discuss medical advancements in the 21st century, highlighting breakthroughs in healthcare, technology, and treatmen...

2024-04-21 16:00:00 (UK Time)
Speaker: Dr. Syed Qasim Jaffri
Topic: Medical Advancrment in 21st
Esoteric Meaning of Fasting
Esoteric Meaning of Fasting

Join us for an enlightening session on The Esoteric Meaning of Fasting with our esteemed guest speaker, Allama Syed Ali Raza Rizvi.

2024-03-30 16:00:00 (UK Time)
Speaker: Allama Syed Ali Raza Rizvi
Topic: Esoteric Meaning of Fasting
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